Download Manifolds and Modular Forms by Professor Dr. Friedrich Hirzebruch, Thomas Berger, Rainer PDF

By Professor Dr. Friedrich Hirzebruch, Thomas Berger, Rainer Jung (auth.)
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An alternative construction is the following: If UI, ... ,Ur can be represented by submanifolds U{, ... ,U; of M, which are in general position (transversal to one another), then their intersection represents (UI""'Ur), Example: For M = Pn(C), the Ul>'" 'Ur are integral multiples Ui = di . 9 of the generator 9 of H 2 (Pn (C);::2::) '==' ::2::, and correspond exactly to the hypersurfaces of degree di. The virtual submanifolds (UI"'" ur) correspond to complete intersections. Analogous to the above, one obtains: p(Ur ) = i* (p(M) .
Through this limit process, the function f for the degenerate lattice must satisfy the differential equation l' = 1 - 0 . f2, hence can be written in the form f(x) = tanh(ax)/a where a is determined by o. For 0 = 1 (henee a = 1) we obtain the L-genus. In the other two degenerate cases WI --+ W2 (eI = e2 ), resp. W2 --+ 0 (eI = e3 ) one has c: = O. The differential equation beeomes 1'2 = 1 - 20 . f2 and has the solutions f (x) = sinh (ax) / a. In particular, for 0 = - ~ (a = ~ ) one obtains the A-genus.
E. =1 (1 + Xi). In the next seetion we will earry out the faetorization geometrieally (the splitting principle, cf. [Hi56] or [BoTu82]), and thereby loeate these Xi in the eohomology ring of a suitable manifold. We first give a few eonsiderations of an algebraie nature. We eonsider the polynomial ring S = Z[CI, ... , cnl in the indeterminates Ci of weight 2i. Later we shall substitute for the Ci the Chern classes of a bundle, and so obtain a mapping of Sinto the eohomology ring of the manifold X, where naturally relations ean appeaL Further, let R = Z[XI' ...