Download Mass Spectral Correlations (1963 Edition) by Fred McLafferty PDF

By Fred McLafferty
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R +OCH CH 0 4 R ? 0033 4 3 1 4 4 8 2 6 3 2 2 Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1963. 0857 Formula Relative Probability 1 2 3 Structural Significance 4 Total i 0 H B + H6B B , etc. B H P . I . D . ) ? ) HSCHgCHg + O R R - S - R ( R > C or subst. ) etc. 0935 C H F B H +B B H , etc. 5 P . I . D . )? ) B H +B B H , etc. B H , B H P . I . D . ; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1963. ) 14 C l - { - C H C l + R + H, etc. 0313 2 18 R + SO2+X, R + SOz+R', inorg.
Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1963. 7 A D V A N C E S IN CHEMISTRY SERIES 34 77. 0265 77. ) (m/e 77 > 76) Others (unsatd. h . ) P . I . D . + H (Y= metal-R, -NHNH ; unsatd. ) Cycloalkadienes, substd. cycloalkenes P . I . D . ) C H O C l CICHgOCHg -j-R? ; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1963. 0547 Data m/e 77-81 _ . ) P . I . D . 0500 CH S CH 0 P C H 0? ) C H . ) Methy lhydroxybenzene s Alkylpyrroles, subst. pyridines and anilines Subst.
0860 4 6 Total 13 Also: C, H 0 , 9 2 CF CO3 P . I . D . ; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1963. ), piperazine ^= R 6 1 0 2 1 4 2 2 1 2 2 _2 P . I . D . ) Maleates, fumarates CH COC H CO-j-R, CH COOC H +R 1,1-cyclohexyl = ( O C H ) , C H -tetrahydropyran \ OR, C H CO -f R, C H C O + OR RR R"CfC H (R, R ' , R " not = H, 2 R = C H ) Other satd. h. c. C H f Y (Y=X, -COOR) 2 5 6 10 10 15 Total C H 0 6 Total C H -piperidyl -J- , etc. 1173 C H 7 5 n ? 1 5 w 2 + 1 6 7 Also: 1 5 1EL Imidazolone-CH -, C H N , C H C 1 ( C l P h X N H , CIPhXOH), C l S i H + R, C H N (methylpiperazines), S C1, 2 5 6 4 1 3 2 2 5 n 2 2 7 3 21 P .