Download Maven by Example by Tim O’Brien, Jason van Zyl, Brian Fox, John Casey, Juven Xu, PDF

By Tim O’Brien, Jason van Zyl, Brian Fox, John Casey, Juven Xu, Thomas Locher

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2Just like in any other coordinate system, a set of Maven coordinates is an address for a specific point in "space". Maven pinpoints a project via its coordinates when one project relates to another, either as a dependency, 2 There is a fifth, seldom-used coordinate named classifier which we will introduce later in the book. You can feel free to ignore classifiers for now. 20 a plugin, or a parent project reference. Maven coordinates are often written using a colon as a delimiter in the following format: groupId:artifactId:packaging:version.

A custom plugin can be written in Java, or a plugin can be written in any number of languages including Ant, Groovy, beanshell, and, as previously mentioned, Ruby. 1. A Plugin Contains Goals A goal is a specific task that may be executed as a standalone goal or along with other goals as part of a larger build. A goal is a “unit of work” in Maven. Examples of goals include the compile goal in the Compiler plugin, which compiles all of the source code for a project, or the test goal of the Surefire plugin, which can execute unit tests.

Bound Goals are Run when Phases Execute To summarize, when we executed mvn install, Maven executes all phases up to the install phase, and in the process of stepping through the lifecycle phases it executes all goals bound to each phase. Instead of executing a Maven lifecycle goal you could achieve the same results by specifying a sequence of plugin goals as follows: mvn resources:resources \ compiler:compile \ resources:testResources \ compiler:testCompile \ 19 surefire:test \ jar:jar \ install:install It is much easier to execute lifecycle phases than it is to specify explicit goals on the command line, and the common lifecycle allows every project that uses Maven to adhere to a well-defined set of standards.

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