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By William Oliver Martin
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That is not clear. All that is clear is that one must choose, one must decide. And so, now, in the tradition of those who first began the progressive alienation from the true God, and who could find only loyalty to loyalty, reverence for reverence, and faith in faith, he, toobut now at the end of the processin desperation cries of his care about care, his concern about concern; in agony he dreads dread, fears fear, and is anxious Page 61 over anxiety; and in despair he commits himself to commitment, and he makes a decision to make decisions.
The change is in the primacy of existence relative to essence. Substantial change in the concept of being would only occur if, as in some kinds of modern existentialism, existence is thought of as something excluding, or incompatible with, essence. Again, the concept of God may be said to have grown and developed in the theistic tradition in such a manner that even on the level of reason alone we now know more of God than did Aristotle. Of course, if, with Whitehead, one conceives Page 21 of God as potential being whose eminent reality is made by the evolution of natural things in the world, then growth in idea ceases; there is a substantial change conceptually, for the old idea is completely destroyed.
Page 1 Metaphysics and Ideology Introduction There are philosophers and anti-philosophers. Some anti-philosophers are ideologists. The exact relation between ideology and philosophy, or, more specifically, metaphysics, has perhaps never been adequately formulated. In this brief essay we intend to speak to the problem. In what follows, "metaphysics" and the general term "philosophy" may or may not be equated, the specific meaning to be understood in context. ''Ontology" will include metaphysics and/or some kinds of theological propositions.