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By Sivananda
164 pp.
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Some persons even go to the Himalayas in search of Yogis and Mahatmas who could effect miracles and return disappointed when they do not find any who is in a position to answer their expectations. But many in this country have little knowledge of our Shivanandanagar, a place of miracles, where the miracle-master Swami Sivananda lives. If one has got the requisite faith in him and purity of heart and one is able to effect absolute self-dedication to the grace of Swamiji, he never fails to cure all the ills of life.
Who do you think I saw behind me? The dog: all wrapped up in the yellow cloth I had tied round it. It had come back to life. Siva’s Name and His Grace had brought it back from the abode of Yama in order to convince me of the supreme glory of his divine grace. The little dog was full of joy and it went to the prayer-room and sat near Gurudev’s photograph. It refused to drink milk and play with the other pups. What cannot my Gurudeva do? Next day at home and at The Divine Life Society, Durban, I conducted prayers to Siva.
My humble prostrations at his Lotus-Feet. May his blessings be upon us all. AS I SAW MY MASTER (Sri Umakant Pd. The unbelievers may laugh but I would narrate, without any hesitation, some extraordinary miracles of His Holiness Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj which I experienced. In May, 1950 my elder brother Sri Lakshmi Kant Shukla was confined to bed. He had kidney and some complicated maladies. One day his condition became very serious and alarming. He was in a coma and was quite unconscious. Despite the best treatment available here he was sinking.