Download North American Species of Lactarius by L.R. Hesler PDF

By L.R. Hesler
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Numerous North American species have a bearded margin, but practically none have ever shown any signs of this condition developing into a marginal veil as has happened for Suillus in the Boletaceae where it finally breaks away from the edge of the pileus and adheres around the stipe though not becoming intergrown with the tissue of that structure. This type of veil is more likely to develop from the L. deceptivus type of marginal vestiture. Firmness. The interior of the stipe in some species is solid and firm at first, but often develops a hollow in age.
But here technical problems intervene: How many spore mounts do you need to make from a deposit to verify if such spores are actually being discharged? The tendency is to approach the problem the other way-if the spore deposit shows a few such spores in the mounts you have made, then you look for giant basidia on the gills. This assumes that the pileus from which the deposit was made is preserved with the rest of the collection-a feature, unfortunately, not often realized for the simple reason that the pileus had deteriorated too much to be saved as a specimen by the time the deposit was obtained.
Viscidity. The cuticular hyphae, characteristically in some taxa, secrete a slime which, according to the amount, and perhaps the quality, is the cause of the slimy to slippery nature of the pileus surface. The terms glutinous (slimy), viscid (sticky), subviscid (not so sticky), and lubricous (slippery) are used to designate various degrees of the character state. Environmental conditions greatly influence the expression sliminess of a pileus. " If one tries to take hold of a stipe which is viscid or slimy, the slime slips through his fingers leaving slime upon them.