Download On Futurity: Malabou, Nancy and Derrida by Jean-Paul Martinon (auth.) PDF

By Jean-Paul Martinon (auth.)
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In other words, where does one situate with any certainty the being-there of translation or the capacity of someone to transform, metamorphose, or plasticize? The answer here again, as for the first premise, is perhaps to settle on not deciding. One simply cannot choose (or situate the plastic process taking place) between one plastic philosopher or exposition and another, the plastic process is irreducible and never ending. As plastic individualities, our reading can only be plastic or transformative, that is, it is by default engaged in a continual process of acceptance and intervention, mutation and metamorphosis that can never be reduced to being an exemplary singularity capable of plasticizing.
Because of the remit of this book, this weighing or test focuses on the problematic of translation and that of its coming or as a form of coming. In this chapter, the aim of this specific test is therefore to measure the pliability or the explosiveness of Malabou's words, to experiment with their ability to espouse and reject at once a foreign language, a language totally alien to Malabou and her specific Franco-German idiomatic delineations. This foreign language is English. How does plasticite translate into English?
Because of its own dialectical self contradiction and mobility, voir venir is in itself a plastic concept, it allows plasticity to come to US. 33 Now, how is one to understand, not this curious pairing of plasticity and voir venir, for that will hold our attention later in this chapter, but of voir venir as a French expression? There is a crucial difference in French between a-venir (the expression 'to-come' as defined in the introduction) and voir venir. The first term refers not to the usual temporal moment of the future, but to the unhinging of space (and) time.