Download Pest control mechanism of Reduviids by K. Sahayaraj PDF

By K. Sahayaraj
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Prey Record: Caenobius sp , Helopeltis antonii Sign. , 1982); S. litura [(Sundararaju (1984)]; H. armigera (Lakundi, 1989); D. koengii (Ambrose, 1999) Another species that belongs to the Endocus genus is Endocus umbrinum Distant. It was collected from the Courtallum tropical rain forest from Tamil Nadu, India. 76 mm in length. Overall colour of the adult is brownJsh-ochraceous. The average pre-oviposition period IS 17 75 day The eggs are laid in batches. 5 eggs with the minimum offour and a maximum of 24 eggs in a batch.
Ambrose and Vennison (1989b) carried out the life history of this hunter bug. 5 days after the imaginal moult. Eggs are laid In single and some time the eggs are inserted in the wet cotton swabs Eggs are elongately cylindrical but slightly convex marginally, very much similar to another reduviid Sinea undu/ata (Miller, 1953). During the lifetime, a fem'ale can lay 101 eggs. 1 day The nymphs are transformed into adults between 40 and 69 day. Maximum nymphal 28 Bionomics mortality was observed in the first nymphal instar followed by fifth, second, third and fourth nymphal Instars.
8 RH) Eggs are elongate, cylindrical, slightly bent at the middle, broad at base and narrow at the top and having a distinct lid or operculum The lid is white and occupies at the fourth part of the whole egg. There IS no orientation on the operculum. A dark spot is visible at the Juncture where the opercuium is marked off from the rest of the egg Adults are not very active. Adult can live for a penod of 5 to 12 months with food and 1,5 months without food Prey Record: Heliothls armigera Hubn (Ambrose (1985)); Calocoris angustatus Leth , Oysdercus cingulatus Distant, Earias vittel/a (Fabricius), E.