Download Phenomenology or deconstruction? : the question of ontology by Merleau-Ponty, Maurice; Nancy, Jean-Luc; Ricœur, Paul; PDF

By Merleau-Ponty, Maurice; Nancy, Jean-Luc; Ricœur, Paul; Nancy, Jean-Luc; Ricœur, Paul; Merleau-Ponty, Maurice; Watkin, Christopher
Phenomenology or Deconstruction? demanding situations conventional understandings of the connection among phenomenology and deconstruction via new readings of the paintings of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Paul Ricur and Jean-Luc Nancy. a relentless discussion with Jacques Derrida's engagement with phenomenological subject matters offers the impetus to setting up a brand new figuring out of 'being' and 'presence' that exposes major blindspots inherent in conventional readings of either phenomenology and deconstruction. In reproducing neither a inventory phenomenological response to deconstruction nor the regimen deconstructive analyzing of phenomenology, Christopher Watkin offers a clean review of the probabilities for the way forward for phenomenology, besides a brand new analyzing of the deconstructive legacy. via special reviews of the philosophy of Merleau-Ponty, Ricur and Nancy, he indicates how a phenomenological culture a lot wider and richer than Husserlian or Heideggerean proposal by myself can take account of Derrida's critique of ontology and but nonetheless carry a dedication to the ontological.
This new analyzing of being and presence essentially re-draws our knowing of the relation of deconstruction and phenomenology, and offers the 1st sustained dialogue of the chances and difficulties for any destiny 'deconstructive phenomenology'
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Tout a un sens, nous retrouvons sous tous les rapports la même structure d’être. 105 The deliberate and expressly single-minded faithfulness of Derrida’s reading of Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy à la lettre in Le Toucher means 34 Phenomenology or Deconstruction? that he necessarily neglects its ‘spirit’ or ‘style’, the meaning carried by its structure and ‘contradictions’ in the form of a demand, and so he misses, in his preoccupation with what he perceives to be an immediacy of contact in Merleau-Ponty’s argument, the wider notion of contact which the latter carefully establishes.
Disappointing’ (On Touching 211). Maurice Merleau-Ponty: Perception 37 22. Derrida, Le Toucher 239, JD’s emphasis; ‘Shall we give the philosopher credit for this, as I am most often tempted to do, or, on the contrary, regret that he was unable to proceed to a more powerful reformalisation of his discourse in order to thematise and think the law under which he was thus placing himself – always, in fact, and all things considered, preferring “coincidence” . . ’ (On Touching 211; translation altered).
45. ‘that is, it must completely awaken and recall our sheer power of expressing beyond things already said or seen’ (S 52). 46. ‘The body . . is not where it is, nor what it is – since we see it secreting in itself a “significance” which comes to it from nowhere, projecting that significance upon its material surrounding, and communicating it to other embodied subjects’ (PP 197). 47. Reynolds, Merleau-Ponty and Derrida 94. 48. Derrida, L’Autre Cap 46; ‘the simple application of a knowledge or knowhow’ (The Other Heading 45).