Download Plato 1: Metaphysics and Epistemology (Oxford Readings in by Gail Fine PDF

By Gail Fine
This sequence goals to assemble vital fresh writing in significant parts of philosophical inquiry, chosen from a number of resources. The editor of every quantity contributes an introductory essay at the goods selected and at the questions with which they deal. A selective bibliography is appended as a advisor to extra analyzing.
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Example text
But they don't pick out genuine features of reality; they aren't genuine properties. If forms are real properties, they can't without confusion be meanings too. The question whether forms are meanings or genuine properties is related to the question how many forms there are. If forms are meanings, then there are forms corresponding to every meaningful general term. If, on the other hand, forms are real properties that 'carve at the natural joints', then there are forms only where there are real properties.
XV in this volume). < previous page page_22 If you like this book, buy it! 61 Nor does he seem to think that genuine knowledge is atomistic; rather, to know any given entity, one must know its relations to other things. As one understands more relations, one's cognitive condition improves; but some interrelating is necessary for any sort of knowledge at all. We have seen that, for Plato, one has the best sort of knowledge only when one understands how things are related to the form of the good.
Peterson, 'The Greatest Difficulty for Plato's Theory of Forms: The Unknowability Argument of Parmenides 133c134',Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 63 (1981), 116. 68 This view is defended by Vlastos, in 'The Third Man Argument'. 69 This view is defended by Cherniss, in Aristotle's Criticism of Plato and the Academy 70 This is Owen's view. See esp. 'The Platonism of Aristotle', Proceedings of the British Academy, 51 (1965), 12550; repr. g. 'Dialectic and Eristic', 112 n. 2; 'Plato on Not-Being', 256; 'A Proof in the Peri ideon *'.