Download Political Phenomenology: Essays in Memory of Petee Jung by Hwa Yol Jung, Lester Embree PDF

By Hwa Yol Jung, Lester Embree
This quantity offers political phenomenology as a brand new distinctiveness in western philosophical and political concept that's post-classical, post-Machiavellian, and post-behavioral. It attracts on historical past and units the schedule for destiny explorations of political matters. It discloses crossroads among ethics and politics and explores border-crossing matters. all of the essays during this quantity problem latest principles of politics considerably. As such they open new methods for additional explorations by way of destiny generations of phenomenologists and non-phenomenologists alike. furthermore, the excellent chronological bibliography is unheard of and offers not just an exceptional photograph of what phenomenologists have already performed but in addition a advisor for the future.
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He is an outspoken critique of Eurocentrism and speaks of “global dialogue” from West to East and from North to South. ” Barber takes on Dussel’s contention that Husserl’s transcendental 1 Introduction 31 phenomenology is inadequate. He not only courageously defends Husserl and argues why transcendental phenomenology is a necessary ground for any ethics whatsoever. Debra Bergoffen (Chap. 21) shows her genuine feminist concern with what she calls “genocidal rape” inflicted by Serbian soldiers in the memorable political event not too long ago.
Ralph P. Hummel in his essay (Chap. ” One could extend his attempt to include the phenomenological notion of embodiment in that the aesthetic is the discourse of the body and it (expressed in the Greek word aisthesis) is the revolt of the aesthetic against the “tyranny of the theoretical” (theoria) whose thesis has many implications for political phenomenology. On the question of politics as ethics, Richard Sugarman’s essay (Chap. 9) is a detailed analysis of Levinas and John Wild, who wrote the Foreword to the English translation of Levinas’s magnum opus, Totality and Infinity: An Essay on Exteriority (1969) which gives an intercontinental connection between the two prominent phenomenologists: for Levinas, ethics is the “first philosophy,” whereas Wild with the influence of Husserl’s phenomenology, morals are indigenous to the life-world.
To borrow the paradoxical injunction of a Zen koan: don’t stop, keep going when you get to the top of the mountain! ” The unhappy consciousness as a transversalist eagerly and earnestly searches for overcoming Eurocentric universality. As a matter of fact, ethnocentrism, whether it be Eurocentrism, Sinocentrism, Indocentrism, Afrocentrism, or Latinocentrism has no place in transversality whatsoever. The thought experiment of transversality requires a willingness to risk the safety and comfort of philosophical self-sufficiency and self-referentiality.