Download Politische Forschung: Beiträge zum zehnjährigen Bestehen des by Sigmund Neumann (auth.), Otto Stammer (eds.) PDF

By Sigmund Neumann (auth.), Otto Stammer (eds.)

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Extra info for Politische Forschung: Beiträge zum zehnjährigen Bestehen des Instituts für politische Wissenschaft

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London 1953; Sir William Ivor Jennings, Constitutional Problems in Pakistan, Cambridge 1957. 124 Speeches and Docummts on the Indian Constitution, 1921-1947, Compiled by Sir Maurice Gwyer and A. Appadorai, Vol. 1,2, Bombay, London 1958. 12. Wyndraeth Humphreys Morris- Jones, Parliament in India, London 1957. 126 John Donald Bruce Miller, Australian Governmmt and Politics. An introductory survey, London 1954. Research in political science in Britain 33 King,127 by H. S. Ferns and B. Ostry, offers an acute insight into the nature of Canadian politics, through the medium of biography.

F. S. Ross has explored the backgrounds of MPs in respect to their age, education, occupation and the like. The role of the backbencher has recently been explored by P. G. Richards in Honourable Members. 53 An interesting and provoking book, describing the relationship of the Member to his constituents and to the parliamentary party, is Nigel Nicolsons's People and Parliament. 54 Nigel Nicolson was the Conservative Member for the safe seat of Bournemouth East and Christchurch. His hostility to the Suez intervention, as well as his attitude to capital punishment, led his local constituency party to refuse to re-adopt him as its candidate; and Nicolsons's book was written at the height of the controversy this decision aroused.

India and Pakistan have stimulated a good deal of study. Sir Ivor Jennings has written on Some Characteristics of the Indian Constitution and on Constitutional Problems in Pakistan,123 Sir Maurice Gwyer and A. Appadorai have colloborated in editing their Speeches and Documents on the Indian Constitution, 1921-1947;124 while the Indian Parliament has been made the object of a first class detailed study by W. H. MorrisJones in his Parliament in India. 125 J. D. B. Miller's Australian Government and Politics126 is an excellent introduction to its subject - the author is himself an Australian; while The Age of Mackenzie 115 Josef Redlich and Francis W.

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