Download Reading Merleau-Ponty: On the Phenomenology of Perception by Thomas Baldwin PDF

By Thomas Baldwin

Maurice Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of conception is largely said to be some of the most very important contributions to philosophy of the 20th century. during this quantity, prime philosophers from Europe and North the United States learn the character and quantity of Merleau-Ponty's success and examine its significance to modern philosophy.

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6. 24 When Merleau-Ponty discusses this aspect of the body’s functioning, he himself employs the term sche´ma corporel. This term is, however, regularly translated by Colin Smith as ‘body image’. I shall employ the translation ‘body-schema’: not only because that is closer to what Merleau-Ponty actually wrote, but, more importantly, given the distinction between the two concepts that I am about to discuss, it is clearly the body-schema that Merleau-Ponty has in mind. 25 In this passage, I should say, Husserl is primarily concerned with cognitive acts; but I take it that his claim has more general application.

The way to avoid this problem is to recognize that the phenomenon of colour constancy, properly described, requires a reference both to the colour of the object and to the way the colour looks in a context; no explanation of colour constancy in terms of only one or the other of these will get the phenomenon right. What we recognize in making this clarification is that, for instance, a white piece of paper never merely looks white; it looks like a white-piece-of-paper-in-theshade or a white-piece-of-paper-in-the-sun, and these are different but equally 31 S E A N D .

The body is an ‘intersensory system’, and different senses can communicate because they are ‘inseparable constituents’ of that system (PhP, 119 n2/ 137 n48). This is explicitly related by Merleau-Ponty to the notion of the body-schema: ‘With the notion of the body-schema we find that not only is the unity of the body described in a new way, but also, through this, the unity of the senses and of the object’ (PhP, 235/273). And in general, perceptual syntheses are ‘supported by the prelogical unity of the body-schema’ (PhP, 233/ 270).

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