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By Oppy, Graham
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Experts in these areas – those who have thought longest, hardest and most seriously about these matters – have no way to disentangle themselves from the possibly misleading evidence and testimony that inform their own beliefs and worldviews. 0007 3 Debate, Reason and Argument Abstract: In Anglo-American philosophy, proofs of the existence of God have long been taken to be the centrepiece of philosophy of religion. Against this long-standing dogma, we argue that alleged proofs of the characteristic claims of worldviews – including religious worldviews – are almost always unsuccessful (and, when they are successful, they typically achieve much less than proponents of the alleged proofs might have hoped for).
First, if the premises are all claims that Con accepts, then, since Claim is something that Con rejects, there is a black spot in his beliefs. On the one hand, if he is to go on believing all of the premises, he ought also to believe Claim, because Claim is supported by those premises. But, on the other hand, he rejects Claim. If he is to go on rejecting Claim, then he needs to reject at least one of the premises of the argument. If the premises are all claims that Con accepts, then the argument creates a genuine cognitive difficulty for him: all else being equal, he ought to set about repairing the black spot in his beliefs.
0011 47 48 Reinventing Philosophy of Religion Science and commonsense consensus give us the following. For each human organism, there was, in the past, a fusion of a human sperm and a human egg that grew to become that human organism. Pre-birth development witnessed the development and switching on of various biological systems necessary for the continued existence of human organisms. These systems include a range of neural systems that continue to develop for many years after birth and are essentially connected to the cognitive systems of human organisms.