Download Sameness and Substance Renewed by David Wiggins PDF

By David Wiggins
During this e-book, which revises and significantly expands his vintage paintings Sameness and Substance (Blackwell, 1980), David Wiggins examines the common sense of identification, the guidelines of substance and alter, essence, predication and mortal predication, personhood, and private reminiscence. this crucial e-book will attract a variety of readers in metaphysics, philosophical good judgment, and analytic philosophy.
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It will be argued that ‘a is b’ and ‘a is the same f as b’ are equally and exceptionlessly subject to this Leibnizian principle. In Chapter Two, with R put out of the way, the Sortal Dependency of Individuation will be amplified and refined. D will then be applied to the task of finding a schematic or formal characterization of the notions of substance and sortal concept. 4 Everything else will follow on from that. In addition to R and D, there will be occasion to mention a thesis that I shall call the Counting thesis, or C.
In the absence, however, of complete reconstructions of the lifespans of a and of b (and that is the normal case), some idea of f-coincidence does seem integral to the ordinary working or application of the third clause of D. In Sameness and Substance Renewed, the third clause remains as it was. See Chapter Two, §. . Do the determinations of the foregoing section mean that there is a danger that we may be forced to concur in a claim that adherents of Quine are apt to repeat sometimes, as if in evidence against positions like D?
For purposes of such contexts, the letters ‘f ’ and ‘g’, which have served so far as schematic, will need to take on the role of true variables,18 ranging over the general things which we claimed to discover that thing-kind words stand for. 19 On these terms, if we continue with our temporary representation of nouns by verbs, we can say that ‘a is something’ is true if and only if a something-s; that a something-s if and only if for some f (one of these general items) a f-s, or (᭚f)(fa). Similarly, ‘a is the same something as b’ is 18 19 If we were constructing a formal system, it would be a heinous offence to let the same letters f and g do duty sometimes as schematic letters, understood by reference to the role of holding a place for their designated linguistic replacements, and at other times as genuine variables, understood by reference to whatever items ‘all’ and ‘some’ range over.