Download Suarez on Individuation (Mediaeval Philosophical Texts in by Francis Suarez, Jorge J. E. Gracia PDF

By Francis Suarez, Jorge J. E. Gracia
E-book by means of Francis Suarez
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Basically there are three positions that philosophers have adopted in this matter. The first not only rejects the distinction in reality, but goes so far as to disregard the conceptual distinction. For obvious reasons there have been few philosophers who have held this view. Indeed, given the pressing witness of experience, it is difficult to reject at the outset the fact that there is at least sonic sort of conceptual distinction between an individual's individuality and the individual's nature.
Not only is a man an individualhis height is too; for it is his and only his. " This view is generally regarded as a firm of nominalism, although such notorious realists as Plato and Duns Scotus would adhere to it. On the other hand one may hold that even within substances there are some that possess individuality and others that do not, for individuality is a characteristic of only certain kinds of beings. Some theists held versions of this view. Created beings are individual, but God is not. And others rejected even the individuality of purely spiritual substances such as angels.
The latter have unity, but their unity is conceptual. Scotus' view that in an individual there are, as it were, two unities, the unity of the individual and the unity of the nature, is completely rejected by Suárez. For him the unity of the nature in the individual is the same in reality as the unity of the individual; their distinction is the result of mental consideration alone (Sect. II, § 10). And the unity of the nature apart from the individual unity is only conceptual. 15 With respect to the second issue, whether individuality extends to every kind of substance, Suárez sets out on his own again, rejecting any limitation upon individuality.