Download Surface Effects in Adhesion, Fricti0N, Wear, and Lubrication by Donald H. Buckley (Eds.) PDF

By Donald H. Buckley (Eds.)
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When this particular technique is to be used for studying solids in the bulk, however, there must be some assurance that the bulk is representative of what is seen on the surface. To study bulk composition, ion depth profiling (used in conjunction with XPS) can provide considerable insight into whether or not the surface layers are comparable in composition to the bulk chemistry of the material. Ion beam sputtering (profiling) or removal of solid surface layers are discussed in more detail later in the section on ion beam techniques (p.
The upper portion of the schematic shows the X-ray tube, which provides the source for X-rays that strike the sample specimen surface; the emitted photoelectrons from the sample surface then pass through an annular slit to a spherical condenser, an electron multiplier, and a counter. Various techniques are used for recording the output , including minicomputers, conventional x-y recorders, and teletype. An example of the information which can be generated with the XPS system is shown by examining the oxidation of lead data presented in figure 2-24.
For example, the interaction of three solids can be examined with the interference microscope (ref. 3). When a third solid enters the contact zone (see fig. 2-8), the particle and its path can be followed with the optical interference microscope. This observation is demonstrated by the photomicrographs in figure 2-9. In figure 2-9(a) the black center spot due to the loaded contact of a steel ball against a glass surface is seen. Beyond the black center circle are the Newton rings, and in the lower left corner (at 7 o’clock), a small black particle (in this particular instance a glass wear particle) is observed to interrupt the Newton rings.