Download Teaching and Learning Geometry: Issues And Methods In by Doug French PDF

By Doug French
This attention-grabbing identify experiences the instructing and studying of college geometry from the point of view of either the recent instructor and the more matured instructor. it truly is designed to increase and deepen topic wisdom and to supply sensible recommendation and concepts for the study room within the context of present perform and learn. specific emphasis is given to the next parts: realizing the most important principles of the geometry curriculum. studying geometry successfully: classes from learn and present perform. Misconceptions and mistakes. Geometry reasoning: challenge fixing and proving. The function of know-how in studying geometry.
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So, what should it be? Discuss exterior angle property. Demonstrate sum as 360* by walking round a polygon on the floor. Task (20 minutes) Students to work in pairs. Record command(s) entered in each case. Construct a regular pentagon (5 sides), a regular hexagon (6 sides) and a regular octagon (8 sides). Construct three regular hexagons round a point. Final Discussion (15 minutes) Check on exterior angles for the three polygons. Summary: exterior angle = 360*-f number of sides. Oral questions: angles for decagon, nonagon and dodecagon.
Computer software such as SMILE, referred to in Chapter 2, which enables shapes to be moved and compared on screen, provide another format for developing awareness of shapes. Most mathematical activity brings together many different ideas simultaneously so that tasks and problems will often not be purely geometrical, but involve other ideas such as counting, calculation and, at a later stage, algebra. Absorbing this richness and making links between different ideas is vital if students are to progress with mathematics in general and geometry in particular.
In both examples the algebraic argument will make better sense to most students if it is preceded by applying the same argument to a variety of numerical cases. 6 Deducing simple angle properties Let us consider briefly some of the elementary properties of triangles. It is instructive for students to say what they think a triangle is and then to help them to refine their definition. This both refines their use of language and helps them to appreciate the need for precision. 7. This leads to a progressive refining of ideas about what defines a triangle eventually leading to a statement of the form: 'a triangle is a closed shape with three straight sides'.