Download The Arabic Alphabet: How to Read & Write It by Nicholas Awde;Putros Samano PDF

By Nicholas Awde;Putros Samano
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It isn't necessary for you to use them — merely to recognize them when you come across them. After you have gone through the whole book, it might be helpful to come back to this page to compare the various ligatures with the way the same letters would normally be written. £ + M= ^> t = e + J + = r e= * + =,* ++ uJ £+ Z ? 5 * = ( : £ + £+ = J Z=^ ^ c + r + Lr== ^ *-=£+r £+ £ + U*- 4£ - * =r+s5 35 The Alphabet and Writing System Well, so much for our introductory survey of the Arabic language and its alphabet.
The two letters form a pair, being identical except that zaay has a dot above where raa' has none. Isolated T> Z» 54 Z? The Letters Final Isolated ^ ^ ^ Final Notice that the basic shape begins just above the line and extends below the line. Also, be careful of the proportions: the top stroke is much shorter than the bottom one. The differences in these proportions and in the positioning on the line help to distinguish raa' and zaay on the one hand from dual and dhaal on the other. -J-* Reminder about pronunciation The letter raa' is similar to the English r, but is made by aflapof the tongue behind the teeth.
Non-connecting letters therefore have no initial or medial forms. They can appear in only two ways: isolated or final, meaning connected to the preceding letter. Reminder about pronunciation The letter 'alif represents the long vowel aa. Usually, this vowel sounds like a lengthened version of the a in pat. In some positions, however (we will explain this later), it sounds more like the a in father. Turn back to p. 29 and re-read what we said about hamza there. Later on we will discuss hamza in more detail.