Download The Challenge of Bergsonism: Phenomenology, Ontology, Ethics by Leonard Lawlor PDF

By Leonard Lawlor
The nice effect of the paintings of Henri Bergson on modern philosophy is barely now turning into transparent. a part of this renaissance in Bergsonism is because of Gilles Deleuze and Emmanuel Levinas, either one of whom have stated Bergson as an suggestion for his or her philosophy. Bergson's key philosophical proposal is "duration", which encompasses either reminiscence and lifestyles. "The problem of Bergsonism" analyses this imperative yet advanced notion via a detailed examining of 1 of Bergson's key works, "Matter and Memory", environment it within the broader context of Bergson's writings. The textual content explores how Bergsonism questions our methods of considering, relatively the concept that of fact, and finally calls for a go back to ethics. it's also an English translation of Jean Hyppolite's hugely influential essay, "Various elements of reminiscence in Bergson".
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Since regressive memory has memory-images as its element, it consists in a mixture of memory and image. A 'pure and simple image', as Bergson says, is of the present and material (MM 278/135). Having the memory-image as its element, the 'regressive memory' is still partly material. So, while in the first difference in nature, that of 'the two forms of memory', Bergson purified memory of habit or bodily motion, he did not purify it of perception: perception's element is always the image. This brings us to our second difference in nature, between memory and perception.
But, sadly, no 'Schneider' emerges in Matter and Memory to amuse us with his sexual problems and to make us read the book as if it were a novel. This lack of a 'Schneider' means probably that Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Perception will always be more popular than Bergson's Matter and Memory. But in the second chapter of Matter and Memory, Bergson focuses on a peculiar fact of patients who suffer from 'psychic blindness', that is, patients who cannot recognize specific objects even though their vision is perfectly intact (MM 242-3/96-8).
Before we turn to the concept of memory, let us summarize what we saw in the last chapter. We engaged in an investigation of chapter one of Matter and Memory in order to determine Bergsonism's challenge to phenomenology. When we considered Bergson's hypothesis of pure perception, we saw that consciousness does not engender representations but is the selection of images from the whole of images called matter - and this selection takes place on the basis of the body, which is itself one of the images.