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By Roger Teichmann (auth.)
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Example text
It seems that he can. The resulting account of Bill's knowing that p is considerably more complicated than the first stab: Bill knows that p iff Bill (justifiably . . ) thinks that p, and p. But that was only to be expected. And it is clear that not only does a right construal of (l)-(6) not require tenseless sentences to enter in at any point, but, au contraire, tensed sentences are notably essential throughout. The original thoughts reported in (1), (3) and (5) are clearly tensed; but so must the thoughts reported in (2), (4) and (6) be.
Taking (2') as schematic in the way adumbrated above relies on being able to count present-tensed utterances of the form of (2') as themselves 'giving truth-conditions', whenever uttered. So we might think it simpler just to take (2') itself as a present-tensed utterance. But what is '(2') itself? The inscription occurring a few paragraphs back in this book? But which book is 'this book'? - If we are looking for a 'token utterance', we will also be looking (vainly, it would seem) for a 'token book'.
1) might have involved an adverb of date, thus: 'On 1 January, Bill thought that it was raining, and it was raining then'. This last 'then' is a pronoun of laziness, just as the second 'he' was in, 'Bill says that he is on fire, and he is'. Hence, our dated sentence can be rewritten: 'On 1 January, Bill thought that it was raining, and it was raining on 1 January'. ) With 'at f for 'on 1 January', (la) can be altered accordingly: 28 The Concept of Time (la') P at t (Bill thinks that (N (it is raining))), and P at t (it is raining).