Download The Cultural History of Plants, 2005 by Sir Ghillean Prance, Consulting Editor Mark Nesbitt, PDF

By Sir Ghillean Prance, Consulting Editor Mark Nesbitt, Scientific Editor

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Phaseolus (Fabaceae) in archaeology: AMS radiocarbon dates and their significance for preColumbian agriculture. Economic Botany 53, 261–272. Kenyon, L. 1960. Jericho and the origins of agriculture. The Advancement of Science 66, 118–120. W. 1970. The Upper Amazon. London: Thames and Hudson. Lebot, V. 1999. Biomolecular evidence for plant domestication in Sahul. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 46, 619–628. J. 1989. First direct AMS dates on early maize from Tehuacán, Mexico. Radiocarbon 31, 1035–1040.

Quinoa) and cañihua (C. pallidicaule)—and pulses such as common bean and lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus); tubers, including the potato (Solanum tuberosum) and several minor root crops; and herd animals, including two camelids (llama and alpaca) and one small mammal (the guinea pig). Archaeological Origins and Spread of Agriculture • 23 evidence of these domesticates is, however, fragmentary. E. Smith 1980). Now a common bean from Guitarrero Cave has been dated to 4000 14C years ago, while the earliest lima bean, from Chilca Canyon near Peru, has been directly dated to 4800 14C years ago (Kaplan and Lynch 1999).

They are used raw in salads, or boiled, or fried in egg batter to form a fritter called recado de pacaya in Central America. Usually cooked in several changes of water first to remove their 34 • The Cultural History of Plants Camassia scilloides. , and A. Brown. 1913. Illustrated flora of the northern states and Canada. Vol. 1, p. 509. bitterness, they are commonly used as a garnish for fiambra, a Guatemalan cold salad served on All Saints’ Day. Quamash, Camas, Wild hyacinth Camassia quamash and related species Hyacinthaceae Bulbs of this species and of C.

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