Download The emergence of Whitehead's metaphysics, 1925-1929 by Lewis S. Ford PDF

By Lewis S. Ford
E-book via Ford, Lewis S.
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We shall proceed, therefore, on the assumption that Science and the Modern World is composed of various layers best interpreted from diverse perspectives. A book of this sort calls for a different hermeneutical strategy than most. The strategy is quite different for a systematic account than for a genetic analysis. In a systematic account the interpreter strives Page 12 for maximum coherence of argument, utilizing whatever evidence he can find. Disparate materials are assembled to fit one total scheme.
Events and occasions are here sharply distinguished. An actual occasion is the atomic unit of temporal realization. An occasion may be divided coordinately, but such parts lack full actuality of the occasion. On the other hand, an event is any spatiotemporal volume, large or small. An event many include many occasions or fragments of several occasions, or simply be part of one occasion. An occasion, in contrast, is a definite ontological unit of becoming, a single concrescence or process of actualization.
This alone is not sufficient to demonstrate any shift in Whitehead's outlook, however. It is conceivable that he already had these ideas in mind, yet had no opportunity to develop them. Moreover, much that he writes about "events" in the Lowell Lectures makes as much, if not better, sense when interpreted in terms of the atomic actual occasions Whitehead later explicitly introduces. But as we will show, there are other passages in the Lowell Lectures which cannot be so interpreted, and which are at odds with any theory of temporal atomicity.