Download The Essential René Guénon: Metaphysical Principles, by René Guénon, John Herlihy, Martin Lings PDF

By René Guénon, John Herlihy, Martin Lings
Author note: Martin Lings (Introduction)
]A prolific author and writer of over 24 books, René Guénon used to be the founding father of the Perennialist/Traditionalist tuition of comparative spiritual idea. identified for his discourses at the highbrow and non secular financial ruin of the fashionable global, symbolism, culture, and the internal or religious size of faith, this booklet is a compilation of his most vital writings. A key portion of his proposal used to be the statement that common truths take place themselves in a variety of kinds within the world's religions and his writings on Hinduism, Taoism, and Sufism are rather illuminating during this regard.
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Additional info for The Essential René Guénon: Metaphysical Principles, Traditional Doctrines, and the Crisis of Modernity (The Perennial Philosophy Series)
Sample text
38 As for communism, 37 38 For discussion, see Edward Deming Andrews, The People Called Shakers, new enlarged ed. (New York: Dover, ), chap. . As suggested in the preface, the Shakers seem to have succeeded reasonably well in banishing sexual relationships from their villages. For discussion, see Louis Kern, An Ordered Love (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, ), pt. . One piece of evidence for this claim is the relatively low number of members expelled or apostatized because of such relationships.
As noted, however, stability converges with regularity and pattern at these lesser scales. The stability of culinary practices, for instance, consists largely in the persistence of particular activities and the use of the same foodstuffs and equipment. Because of this convergence, the arguments of Wittgenstein and Foucault against the presumption of sameness equally confute any rooting of social order in the stability of small-scale social phenomena. The decline of functionalism and its progeny in the s and after brought with it the demise of stability as a purported feature of large-scale social formations.
This definition, consequently, does not distinguish social order from the sorts of order found in other domains. Wrong advocates, accordingly, a Hobbesian rendering of social order as the absence of universal conflict conjoined with the cooperative pursuit of collective goals. It turns out, however, that on his account cooperative Hobbesian order is not distinct from regularities and predictability: The cognitive and motivational/affective phenomena that secure both the absence of violence and the cooperative pursuit of collective goals also explain regularities and predictability.