Download The Firesign Theatre's big book of plays by Firesign Theatre (Performing group) PDF

By Firesign Theatre (Performing group)
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How could any of them therefore have been more worthy of God’s blessing than Israel? 11 The Marranos therefore have not been abandoned. Yet, objects Ycabo, how can they ever hope to be reconciled with God in view of the 21 This Library PDF version is for the use on an institutional computer only. com << Chapter >> Home | TOC | Index ineradicability of their inclination to idolatry? 12 Usque responds by reassuring the Marranos that “the force of di vine mercy toward you has not diminished, nor does the pardon of your children and the healing of your wounds depend upon your good or evil deeds alone.
And fear not . 51 In the closing pages of the Consolaçam Usque repeats these ideas with an even greater sense of urgency. 54 Israel must patiently await her blessing,55 but it will not be long in coming. ”59 28 This Library PDF version is for the use on an institutional computer only. com << Chapter >> Home | TOC | Index Thus concludes Usque’s message in the Consolaçam. Yet the book does not end without a significant reply from Ycabo. Throughout the book he had represented the perplexed, skeptical and even cynical Marrano.
The very prologue of the Consolaçam conveys this tone. There Usque tells his readers that he will narrate Israel’s past misfortunes in the hope that their reading may mitigate the Marranos’ present anguish. He tells them that at the end of each section of narrative he appends verses culled from the biblical prophets, not that he sees any necessary relation between prophecy and event, but merely as a gesture of piety. ”1 The incisive reader will soon discover that Usque’s intention contradicts these words.