Download The Jena System, 1804-5: Logic and Metaphysics by G. W. F. Hegel PDF

By G. W. F. Hegel
John W. Burbidge, George di Giovanni (trs., eds.); H. S. Harris (Intro / notes)
As he labored at the Jena sytem, Hegel's figuring out of the character of common sense and its reference to metaphysics underwent alterations an important to his later procedure. for this reason, good judgment received a brand new and extended importance for him. this article is hence the most important to an figuring out of the works of Hegel's adulthood, and to their relation to the key works of Schelling and Fichte that preceded them.
Scholars from the schools of Guelph, Lethbridge, McGill, McMaster, Toronto, Trent, and York have ready this translation, a piece of serious research in its personal correct. The advent via H.S. Harris provides a concrete size to Hegel's summary different types, displaying how, in constructing those different types, Hegel was once even at ths early date considering deeply concerning the constitution and lifetime of society.
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Example text
But in it indeed the one and the many 16. 17. 18. 19. : The ms has a plural verb here. In the margin: absolute measure. In the margin: Dialectic of quantum. : In the lost parts of the original. Simple Connection 17 ones are indifferent to each other: it is thus equal to what it negates from itself and is in truth non-excluding. Particularly as number, quantum should posit limit or otherness as self-subsisting [an sich selbst seiend]', however, it is manifest that number has no limit but is equal to what is excluded.
17. 18. 19. : The ms has a plural verb here. In the margin: absolute measure. In the margin: Dialectic of quantum. : In the lost parts of the original. Simple Connection 17 ones are indifferent to each other: it is thus equal to what it negates from itself and is in truth non-excluding. Particularly as number, quantum should posit limit or otherness as self-subsisting [an sich selbst seiend]', however, it is manifest that number has no limit but is equal to what is excluded. What is here excluded (with which it is equal) is the unconnectedness of the one and the many.
In this self-connection, however, or in this positive connection, [the negation] sublates not being as such but only being in self-connection, that is, a negative connection. The limit is true quality only insofar as it is selfconnection, and it is this only as negation, which negates the other only in connection with itself. In this way the limit is now synthesis as well, unity in which both subsist at the same time, or real quality. But the quality that must become limit has itself, by the same token, become the contrary of itself; its concept is the being per se of the 5.