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By Katherine Reece

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Extra info for The Mesopotamians: Conquerors Of The Middle East (Ancient Civilizations)

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33 CHAPTER VIII: beliefs and gods Clay figurines of the goddess Ishtar from Mesopotamia. " Ishtar was known as Innana in Sumeria. Rituals and stories about her are thought to be based on the cycles of the moon. One god or goddess governed each city-state. If captured, a city-state was forced to accept the new god of its conqueror. There were additional gods or goddesses for each trade, such as potters, scribes, or farmers. Individuals depended on their own personal god who would help them, much like a guardian angel.

Each city-state consisted of the city, the surrounding mud brick wall and farmland. In the center of the city-state was the ziggurat. Converge: To come together. Cradle of Civilization: Mesopotamia is known as the “cradle of civilization” because the world’s first civilization began there. Cuneiform: The system of writing created by the ancient Sumerians. They used “wedgeshaped characters” called cuneiform. Cylinder Seals: Seals first used in Mesopotamia to indicate a message on a clay tablet was genuine or to indicate ownership of a possession.

E. It was made up of a group of ancient city-states in southern Mesopotamia. Syria: Ancient region of Southwest Asia, which bordered on the Mediterranean Sea and covered modern-day Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan. Tigris and Euphrates: The two rivers that begin in the Taurus Mountains and flow to the Persian Gulf. Tensile strength: The greatest stress a material can bear without tearing apart. Turban: A headdress worn by Muslim males and made of a cap with a long cloth wrapped around it. Turkey: A country in western Asia and southeastern Europe between the Mediterranean and Black seas.

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