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By Leo J. Elders
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Sample text
God is a cause in a threefold way, as we have seen. Accordingly created things which flow forth from him receive a threefold impression, by which they become adapted to the cause: by unity they are adapted to God as the efficient cause, by truth to God as the exemplary cause and by goodness to him as the final cause. The text adds that the being of things is ordered in a threefold way to the soul: insofar as things are placed in the memory they are perceived by the intellect and loved by the will.
To him they are first, not secondary intentions and express as many formal essences'. In the text of the Ordinatia mentioned above Scotus adds that transcendental is whatever is not contained under any genus (except being). "Hence not to have any predicate above it except being pertains to the very notion of a transcendental. That it be common to many is purely incidental". 5). See Allan B. • The Transcendentals and their Function in the Metaphysics ojDunsScofuS, St. Y. 1946. We follOW Prof. Wolter's account of Scotns' view.
309-319. cr. E. Tugendhat. Tl KATA TlNOS, Freiburg-Munchen 1958, 14ff. ypo~eimenon as that whic~ presents itself to be known. vQV is used III thiS sense.