Download The miracle of fasting: proven through history for physical, by Dr. Paul C. Bragg, Dr. Patricia Bragg PDF

By Dr. Paul C. Bragg, Dr. Patricia Bragg

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They are, generally speaking, organic, raw fruits and vegetables, salads and leafy greens and lightly steamed vegetables. Three-fifths of your diet should be composed of fruits and vegetables, both raw and cooked. It’s always best to enjoy your raw fresh fruit or a raw vegetable garden salad before you eat any cooked foods. See recipe on page 231. The alkaline forming foods are the most important to your body. ” That is because you are on the acid side and, when you eat the alkaline foods, they start to houseclean and move the toxins out of your bloodstream and body.

First, 3 of them got violently ill and threw up all they had eaten and drunk for lunch. They got dizzy and turned deathly pale and great weakness overcame them. They quit the hike immediately! They were driven back to the Furnace Creek Ranch in poor condition. The hike went on with 7 college athletes continuing. As we hiked, they drank large amounts of cold water, soft drinks and took more salt tablets. Then suddenly 5 of them got stomach cramps and became deathly ill. Up came the drinks and their lunch.

Do you drink coffee? Use tobacco? Alcohol? Use refined white sugar or eat products with this devitalized material in it? What devitaminized and demineralized foods are dragging you down and enervating you? Is your willpower weak or strong? Who is the boss of your body? Your bad habits? Or does your mind control your appetites? Remember that flesh is dumb and can’t think for you. Only with positive thinking can you overcome the bad habits that your flesh might crave. If you really do crave glorious health, and unbelievable strength, tremendous vital force and a trim and fit body you will be proud of, start now working with faithful Mother Nature today and not against her!

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