Download The Nisargadatta Gita by Pradeep Apte PDF

By Pradeep Apte
The Nisargadatta Gita was once first published on the net in February 2008; due to the fact that then it's been acclaimed around the globe as the best expositions of the lessons of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, and used as a meditation handbook via many. The essence of the instructing has been expressed in a truly transparent and lucid variety. The Nisargadatta Gita Gita has just one bankruptcy 'I AM', which is composed of 231 condensed rates of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj besides a brief remark on every one quote. those fees were ready from a suite of 572 'I AM' charges compiled from 10 major books (Beginning with 'I Am That') which hide just about all the recorded dialogues of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. This 3rd version is the 1st professional revealed model and has an appendix titled i'm That - A awareness, that is a tribute to the Guru by means of his disciple.
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Example text
In this state there are no concepts, hence it is devoid of content and there is no question of any experience, thus you won’t even know that you are. 70. The Absolute or the Parabrahman is prior to the ‘I am’, it’s the unborn state, so how can it have the knowledge ‘I am’? Your true, natural, Absolute or Parabrahman state is before the knowledge ‘I am’ appeared. It is the state that ever prevails and knows no birth or death. Whatever is known or seen only appears to have occurred on it using the knowledge ‘I am’ as a basis for propagation, which is all an illusion.
Do away with it and do not accept anything that does not go with your developing the conviction that the ‘I am’ is illusory. 63. Before you occurred to yourself as ‘I am’ you were the highest: Parabrahman. Now, until the impurity of ‘I am the body’ disappears stay put in the ‘I am’ quietude. You will have to apply your mind and go back to the moment when you first came to know that ‘you are’ or the ‘I am’ appeared on you. Now just wait here…prior to this what were you? Go back further…prior to conception what or where you were.
During any of these states was there any suffering or worry? The Guru has made all this clear to you and now tells you to go back and abide in the ‘I am’ and transcend it forever and be happy. 56. When you remain in the ‘I am’ you will realize everything else is useless, and then you are Parabrahman, the Absolute. Understanding the ‘I am’ and abidance in it is the only ‘Sadhana’ (Practice) that has to be done. As your ‘Sadhana’ matures, you become a witness to the ‘I am’ and can very clearly see that it is false.