Download The Phenomenological Realism of the Possible Worlds: The ‘A by Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (auth.), Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka PDF

By Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (auth.), Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (eds.)
Read or Download The Phenomenological Realism of the Possible Worlds: The ‘A Priori’, Activity and Passivity of Consciousness, Phenomenology and Nature Papers and Debate of the Second International Conference Held by the International Husserl and Phenomenological Research PDF
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The point I am trying to make may be reformulated thus: if the TS had been arrived at only through the search for the constitution of a world of individual objects and facts, of the empiricist's world, drained of all a priori structures and ideal significations, then the resulting conception of TS would have been immensely poorer. In fact, since according to Husserl every identity, even the identity of a physical object, is constituted by the passive synthesis of ideal noemata, the proper notion of constitution and therefore of the constituting TS would be lacking - were there no a priorities either amongst the constituted or in the structure of the constituting subjectivity.
Merleau-Ponty- has abandoned the 'hypothesis of constancy' between the 'irnpressional consciousness' and a possible 'external' agent supposed to produce the irnpression. 29 Husserl hirnself seerns to see these points of analogy. Cf. Analysen zur Passiven Synthesis, p. 126. 3 ° Kritik der Urteilskraft, Introduktion. , p. 189. , p. 205. , p. 292. , p. 286. " H. G. Gadarner, Wahrheit und Methode, I. C. B. Mohr, Tübingen, 1960, p. 50. , p. 389. , p. 393. 38 Cf. Why is There Samething Rather than Nothing, Prolegomena to the Phenomenology of Cosmic Creation, Van Gorcurn, Assen, 1964, and the prequoted 'Ideas as the Constitutive a priori'.
P. 51. 14 Ideen I, p. 226. 15 "Näher ausgefiihrt ist das Phantasieren überhaupt die Neutralitätsmodification der 'setzenden' Vergegenwärtigung, also der Erinnerung im denkbar weitesten Sinne", Ideen I, p. 224. Cf. also Analysen zur Passiven Synthesis, p. 322-330. 16 Cf. by the present author: 'Constitutive and Creative Perception', Proceedings of the International Congress of Aesthetics, Arnsterdarn 1964. 17 Phänomenologie des Inneren Zeitbewusstseins, Appendix I, p. I 08. , p. 100. 19 Kritik der reinen Vernunft, ASO, B74/R.