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By Reinhard K. Sprenger

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They must choose to do this and want to do this. The fewer managers there are and the larger the span between the levels of hierarchy the more important it is for employees to act on their own responsibility. The will to take responsibility. The freedom of choice and the self-reliance of repeatedly re-negotiating the substance of one’s level of participation. The motivated involvement in one’s work, experienced as positive and self-actualizing, not as being »victi37 mized« or as fulfilling a »duty«.

A lot of unconscious choice is mingled in. Unconscious, primarily, since we consider the consequences of our choice in terms of possibility. We are hardly capable of anticipating in every situation all the effects of our decisions. Are there perhaps more difficulties awaiting us than prior to our decision? Sometimes just the costs of obtaining the information seem too steep. But a decision without any risk is not a decision. And it is impractical to complain about the fact that something unexpected, not calculated, arose and thwarted our plans.

They have the alternative of exposing compelling circumstances for what they always have been: compelling people. People compel themselves and each other. To become aware of this is especially important in an age when people label mendacity as »honesty under the pressure of circumstances«. For the sake of completeness: people working in business know that economy for a large number of people has rigidified into »compulsion«. For many the word freedom is a mere advertising gimmick; they refer to the machine-like character of the world, the codes, the large organizations in which individuals twitch to the rhythm of interactions.

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