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By Edward Silver
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For more on this reversal, and the ambiguity within the Book of Jeremiah that it signals, see below, pp. 316-317. 118 Sweeney, Troubling Jeremiah, 215. 54 the neglect of Hyatt’s work on the text, in particular, his arguments in favor of Jeremiah’s independence from the aims of the Josian-era Deuteronomists. This growing trend toward emphasizing the supposed political dimensions of Jeremiah’s agenda and the supposition that he was a partisan of the Josianic Deuteronomists has recently reached its acme.
Even if Jeremiah’s exact words had been forgotten, certainly something similarly pithy would have replaced them—if that had been their form. 6-11 does not necessarily seem so secondary in relation to its context. Indeed, the presence of references to Judah and Jerusalem throughout Jer 2-3 begins to look 113 Kugel, The Idea of Biblical Poetry: Parallelism and its History, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1981). 80-81. Adele Berlin has amplified and clarified Kugel’s argument, recognizing that there is no inherent connection between parallelism and biblical poetry (Berlin, Adele, The Dynamics of Biblical Parallelism [Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1985], 4-7).
6-12 as late and secondary. 36 text that might challenge Albertz's impression that this text has a clear and coherent temporal frame. Against that sort of historically-grounded, redactional argumentation Biddle developed a series of redactional layers based on stylistic distinctions. Indeed, the question of the prophet's original speech and his rhetorical intent finds no place in Biddle's analysis. The first stratum he treats is already a reworking of some prior prophetic discourse, so the question of Jeremiah's intent (to say nothing of his constitutive influence on tradition) does not impact upon this analysis.