Download The Visible and the Invisible in the Interplay between by Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka PDF

By Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka
Merleau-Ponty's different types of the noticeable and the invisible are investigated afresh and with originality during this penetrating selection of literary and philosophical inquiries. Going past the normal and present references to the psychological and the sensory, brain and physique, perceptual content material and the summary rules conveyed in language, etc., those reviews variety from the `hidden spheres of reality', to the play of the noticeable and the invisible left as lines in works of human genius, the origins of mind and language, the true and the imaginary in literature, and the `hidden realities' within the philosophy of the typical global. those literary and philosophical probings jointly show the function of this disjoined/conjoined pairing within the ontopoietic institution of fact, that's, within the manifestation of the emblems of lifestyles. In tandem they bring about to mild the hidden play of the seen and the invisible within the emergence of our important, societal, intimate, highbrow, and artistic involvements.
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The scientific theories themselves, if wrought in that spirit, are then the analogues of speculative philosophy, the third language, for in them lies the seed for the restoration of our ability to hear the direct language of transcendence once more, whatever the long-term status of their accuracy. 7. It is no double extremely difficult to articulate the difference between intelligibility on the "outside" and from the "inside". However, the motive for and endurance of philosophy are rooted in the awareness of such differences and the urgency with which they need to be brought to language, however inadequately.
KH URI "physiognomic" aspect, to one another. Either all beings are just what they are, or nothing is. Then poetry can rise to the occasion and let things be in its own way and so let us be as well. All are joined in presence, in a fuller reality. The cipher of our own being is read as we read the cipher of the being of another. With the poet, we have moved subtly from intelligibility to Being itself. In the wider world of recept ivity to the being of a bird, we gain further insight into the mutu al constitut ion of mind and intelligibles.
How so? Th e intelligible is encountered at many level s. When we understand something about nature mathem atically, we may be said to have caught a glimpse of the intelli gibl e "o n the out side ". Several such glimpses that usually seem disparat e have been caught over the years. But when these, or BEYOND INTELLIGIBILITY 33 some of these, are suddenly seen to be interconnected, then the intelligible acquires a structure for us . It is still an "outward" structure, for even mathematics can be said to be the "outer form" of intelligibility.