Download The Zeppelin in Combat: A History of the German Naval by Douglas Hill Robinson PDF

By Douglas Hill Robinson

The normal reference now revised and improved. Dr. Robinson has unfolded his monstrous picture documents to reinforce this re-creation of his vintage paintings. a lot of the hot photographic fabric is released right here for the 1st time.

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29), show a slapdash exuberance and mobility that comes from being rid of Geometric discipline without having to wrestle with a delicate new technique; instead they splash on copious white and sometimes red paint (410). The Black and White style expresses this same mood. It too appears already in Early Protoattic (416, 421) and it is used mostly to heighten the effect of outline painting. This reaction to the Geometric silhouette is peculiarly Attic, for in Corinth and Crete white is used for line drawing or for detail.

Cf Kerameikos, V, 1, pls. 39, 40, from a similar P 25630 and P 25644. Well, J 14:5. P. H. of body This is a late form of the elongated amamphora. ; est. diam. 18 m. Remains of rolled same height. rim, painted outside; a little below, two bands. , XXXV, 1934-1935, ment. Neck and shoulderjoint preserved(P 25644). a and the Mon. On neck, hatched triangle standing on two lines; base of neck and shoulder glazed. On body, above widest part, zone with hourglass ornaments and vertical lines; reserved bands with two lines in each spaced evenly over lower body.

313, pl. 100, b) found just the same profile. 121 CVA Berlin 1, p. 7. INTRODUCTION 26 incision in the decades after the Pair Painter. One characteristic of early incision (554, 557, P1. 122The women (589) have the high busts and long bobs of their Cycladic prototypes. The picture panel on the shoulder of an amphora comes into its own after the neck panel. Earlier Subgeometric belly amphorae had simple ornaments in their shoulder panels (21, P1. 2; 514, P1. 32), while large scale metope decoration goes back to Late Geometric oinochoai (340, P1.

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