Download Theatre of Production: Philosophy and Individuation between by A. Toscano PDF

By A. Toscano
This publication presents either a historic research of the philosophical challenge of individuation, and a brand new trajectory in its therapy. Drawing at the paintings of Gilles Deleuze, in addition to C.S. Peirce and the lesser-known Gilbert Simondon, Alberto Toscano takes the matter of individuation, as reconfigured through Kant and Nietzsche, into the area of modernity, offering a different and colourful contribution to modern debates in ecu philosophy.
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Mechanicism cannot be ontologized. Here lies the essential distinction between being constitutive for the possibility of experience and being the rule of production, as it were, for empirical actuality itself. The a priori nature of ‘epistemological’ mechanicism does require that we take it as far as its explanatory power permits, yet Kant ultimately seems to concede that the very investigation of nature depends on a regulative approach, even when it comes to the mechanist sphere. 38 Kant Beyond Kant, or, The Anomalies of the Organic Alexis Philonenko starts his elegant treatment of this crucial node in the Critical philosophy by directing our attention to two traits of the antinomy.
Kant then turns to the real terrain of science, to those laws that are only given in and by experience, laws falling under the restricted jurisdiction of reflective judgment. These two levels, instantiating two different kinds of judgment, seem to parallel the distinction which Kant elsewhere makes between a general physics, which articulates the transcendental principles of mechanicism, and a special physics, understood as the experimental doctrine of evidences. But such a neat distinction is not available to Kant when it comes to natural purposes.
Thus, it is only after Kant – which is to say beyond Kant and, in a sense, despite Kant – that philosophy can deploy itself as a ‘theatre of production’. As Part I will lay out, it is the crisis opened up by the anomaly of the organic that leads thought to interrogate a domain of preindividual productivity which is neither mechanical nor vitalist, and in turn to consider philosophical activity itself not as contemplative theoria, but as itself an individuating process, a practice of construction that seizes, relays and reconfigures non-philosophical processes of ontogenesis.