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By Bertrand P. Helm
E-book by way of Helm, Bertrand P.
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Time and events cannot be adequately explained, he thought, without the punctuation provided by these more timeless ingredients. The eternal objects are graded into experience and give to it some of its marks as an interrelated whole. The forms or eternal objects, it turns out, are related to the developing consequences of God's own nature, a processual nature of burgeoning value which gives to events or actual occasions their existence and their power of being known. Whitehead's philosophy of process and events, and of the relationships of time, process, and events to eternal objects and other factors of reality, is dealt with at greater length across two chapters (as opposed to the single chapters devoted to the work of each of the others), simply became of the much greater role these notions play in the whole of his philosophical production.
From this point of view, Peirce, Santayana, Royce and Whitehead were looking for the grounds of constancy in a world of process and hazard in ways that James and Dewey were not. But whether arguing for a relativistic and evolutionary approach, or against it in not allowing those emphases to have the final word, questions about the nature and modes of time are pressed to the forefront on the agenda of American thought. John Dewey (18591952) had a career more complexly related to the vicissitudes of American intellectual history and American national life than any of the other leading American philosophers.
Although the result gives us less of the man and of the progress of the man's thought, perhaps limiting the discussion to a smaller number of interrelated themes can help clarify the idea we noted in Francis Abbot's philosophy of time: for metaphysics, no ideas are more worthy of critical examination than the ideas of space and time. As we shall see, Peirce argued for a clear distinction between the near and the remote future. The impetus for uttering that distinction, we may hazard, lay embedded in that general restlessness of the American mind that led Commager to comment that Americans invented time.