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By Czslaw Z. Prokopczyk
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Also, in a truly dialectical explanation, an attempt should be made to show how this dialectical co-occurrence of the accomplishments and failures tends to resolve itself by leading to a new, higher level in the dialectical sequence. What Engels seems in fact to offer amounts to an "extenuation" of Feuerbach's failures. It appears that they do not have a really dialectical being, their coming into existence does not involve their dialectical opposites, the achievements. In Engels' explanation of Feuerbach's failures there can easily be found a semblance of a dialectical treatment.
The system and method of Hegel's philosophymay as well turn out to be the same dialectical extremes along which the real historical process of decomposition (Zersetzungsprozess) of the entity previously uniting those dialectical extremes evolves. This supposedly was the case with decomposition of the Hegelian school. Now, the ability to handle the internal contradiction of Hegel's philosophy as well as the ability to find a fruitful exit out of the confusion so dominant within the decomposed Hegelian school become for Engels the criteria against which the success or failure of philosophers, including Feuerbach, is measured.
Title. 83 807976 ISBN 0-87023-307-6 Page iii To Hanna, Benjamin, and Regina Page v Acknowledgment I feel obliged to express my gratitude to the following: Professor Leon J. Goldstein from State University of New York at Binghamton for his intellectually penetrating advice on the manuscript; Professor Leszek Kolakowski from All Souls College, Oxford, England, for his willingness to read the text and share with me his very revealing comments; to Professor Peter Heller from State University of New York at Buffalo for the numerous discussions of my manuscript during the National Endowment for the Humanities seminar in the summer of 1979, and for all the support and encouragement he gave me; to Professor John Fizer from Rutgers University for conversations on various topics dealt with in my book.