Download William Ockham on Metaphysics: The Science of Being and God by Jenny Pelletier PDF

By Jenny Pelletier
In William Ockham on Metaphysics , Jenny E. Pelletier provides an account of Ockham's idea of metaphysics because the technology of being and God because it emerges sporadically all through his philosophical and theological paintings.
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Extra info for William Ockham on Metaphysics: The Science of Being and God
Sample text
Q. 8 (OTh. I, 219: 14–17): “Verumtamen pro intentione Philosophi dico quod Philosophus accipit metaphysics as a science 29 are composed of much more that just the habits and acts by which the necessary and true conclusions of demonstrations are known. 49 Conclusions, the objects of proper scientific knowledge, are only one type of proposition known within a science. A scientist in fact possesses a wide range of habits and can perform many acts by which she is said to know a potentially enormous number of propositions.
18 chapter one Physicorum, Ockham considers four definitions of the term ‘knowledge’ that amount to four types of knowledge. Each refers to an intellective act that judges a proposition to be true. The four types of knowledge acts described here are judicative acts by which we assent to propositions; they are not merely neutral acts of apprehending propositions. To know is minimally defined as to judge a proposition to be true. 18 First, knowledge refers to an intellective act by which the intellect judges a proposition to be true simply by authority alone.
13 (OPh. ” And SL 3-2, c. 14 (OPh. I, 529: 3–5): “Ex hoc autem quod principia debent esse prima, sequitur quod debent esse immediata et indemonstrabilia. ” 29 SL 3-2, c. 4 (OPh. I, 511: 39–45): “Et vocantur principia prima, quae subdividi possunt: quia quaedam principia prima sunt per se nota, quibus scilicet intellectus statim assentit ipsis terminis apprehensis, ita quod si sciatur quid significant termini, statim sciuntur. ” Both principles and conclusions can be divided into two types of necessary proposition: those whose predicate is intrinsically or essentially said of its subject either “in the first mode” (dicendi per se primo modo) or “in the second mode” (dicendi per se secundo modo).