Category: History 1
Download A Short History of the Drug Receptor Concept (Science, by Andreas-Holger Maehle, Cay-Rüdiger Prüll, Robert Francis PDF

By Andreas-Holger Maehle, Cay-Rüdiger Prüll, Robert Francis Halliwell
The receptor thought was once the most influential rules in 20th-century drugs since it may well account for the hugely particular results of gear at the physique. This e-book is the 1st to supply an old dialogue of its foundation, improvement, gradual attractiveness into pharmacology and next influence on smooth medication. It additionally considers the social context that inspired the drug receptor's development., creating a invaluable contribution to the background and figuring out of contemporary drugs.
Download A History of Women Philosophers: Modern Women Philosophers, by Londa Schiebinger (auth.), Mary Ellen Waithe (eds.) PDF

By Londa Schiebinger (auth.), Mary Ellen Waithe (eds.)
1. Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle.- I. Biography.- II. Works.- III. ordinary Philosophy.- IV. Feminism.- V. Conclusions.- 2. Kristina Wasa, Queen of Sweden.- I. Biography.- II. Philosophy.- 1. conventional checks of Kristina’s Views.- 2. Kristina’s Philosophical Development.- three. Kristina and Descartes.- four. spiritual Skepticism.- five. Philosophy and Linguistics.- 6. The Maxims.- 7. Misogyny and Feminism.- III. Conclusions.- three. Anne Finch, Viscountess Conway.- I. Biography.- II. impact on Leibniz.- III. Philosophical Writing.- IV. Summary.- four. Sor Juana Inés De los angeles Cruz.- I. Biography.- II. Prose Philosophical Works.- 1. Carta Atenagórica.- 2. Respuesta.- III. Philosophical Poetry.- 1. Sueño.- 2. Sonnets.- IV. Conclusions.- five. Damaris Cudworth Masham.- I. Biography.- II. Works.- 1. Correspondence.- 2. religion and Reason.- three. ladies, schooling and Reason.- four. Epistemology, Feminism and ethical Philosophy.- III. Conclusions.- 6. Mary Astell.- I. Biography.- II. Works.- III. non secular Epistemology and Women.- 1. situation of Women.- 2. ladies, Epistemology and Reason.- three. Marriage and Subjection of Women.- IV. Epistemology and spiritual Knowledge.- 1. cause and Revelation.- 2. even if subject Can Think.- three. no matter if God is the effective explanation for ache and Pleasure.- V. Conclusions.- 7. Catharine Trotter Cockburn.- I. Biography.- II. Philosophical Writings.- III. Epistemological Foundations of ethical Law.- 1. wisdom of advantage and Vice.- 2. traditional Conscience.- IV. Epistemological origin of Religion.- 1. The position of Rewards and Punishments.- 2. On Revelation.- V. The Immortality of the Soul.- 1. no matter if God may possibly upload proposal to Matter.- VI. Summary.- VII. Conclusions.- eight. Gabrielle Émilie Le Tonnelier De Breteuil Du Châtelet-Lomont.- I. Biography.- II. Ethics, faith and Philosophy of Language.- 1. Ethics.- 2. Philosophy of Religion.- three. Philosophy of Language.- III. Collaborative Works.- 1. Collaboration on Voltaire’s Éléments.- 2. Collaboration with Voltaire on Traité de Métaphysique.- IV. Metaphysics.- 1. Writings on Metaphysics and Philosophy of Science.- 2. the advance of du Châtelet’s perspectives on Metaphysics.- three. loose Will: difficulties for Newtonian Science.- four. fixing the issues of Newtonianism.- five. response to du Châtelet’s Metaphysics.- V. Philosophy of Science.- 1. hearth, mild and Color.- 2. clinical Method.- VI. Conclusions.- nine. Mary Wollstonecraft.- I. Biography.- II. Works.- III. Philosophy.- 1. Human Nature.- 2. Ethics.- three. Social and Political Philosophy.- four. Philosophy of Education.- five. affects on Wollstonecraft’s Philosophy.- 6. Critique of Rousseau.- IV. Conclusions.- 10. Clarisse Coignet.- I. Introduction.- II. Metaethics and ethical Philosophy.- 1. the hot technology of Morality.- 2. Freedom, a truth of Human Nature.- three. guy, the writer of Morality.- four. accountability, a legislations of Conscience.- III. Political and Social Philosophy.- 1. The kingdom, an Extension of person Morality.- 2. The Social Contract.- three. The Separation of faith and Morality.- four. Women’s Suffrage and Women’s Destiny.- IV. Conclusions.- eleven. Antoinette Brown Blackwell.- I. Biography.- II. Philosophy.- 1. Metaphysics.- 2. Truth.- three. Perception.- four. Time.- five. God.- 6. Immortality.- 7. Mind/Body Problem.- eight. Nature of the Sexes.- III. Conclusions.- 12. Julie Velten Favre.- I. Biography.- II. Works.- III. Philosophy.- 1. The cohesion of ethical Law.- 2. Woman’s ethical Vocation.- three. the nice Human Family.- four. An “Ethics of Abundance”.- IV. Conclusions.- thirteen. ladies Philosophers of the 17th, Eighteenth and 19th Centuries.- I. The 17th Century.- 1. Anna Maria van Schurman.- 2. Bathsua Pell Makin.- three. Elisabeth of Bohemia, Princess Palatine.- four. Helena Lucretia Cornaro Piscopia.- II. The Eighteenth Century.- 1. Laura Bassi Verati.- 2. Catharine Sawbridge Macaulay-Graham.- three. Sophia, somebody of caliber [pseud.].- four. (Marie) Olympe de Gouges (Marie de Gouzes).- five. Mary Fairfax Somerville.- 6. Anna Doyle Wheeler.- III. The 19th Century.- 1. Catharine Ward Beecher.- 2. Harriet Martineau.- three. Harriet Hardy Taylor Mill.- four. Jenny Poinsard d’Héricourt.- five. George Eliot (Marian Evans).- 6. Clemence Royer.- 7. Juliette Lambert l. a. Messine Adam.- eight. Christine Ladd-Franklin.- nine. Hortense Allart de Meritens.- IV. Conclusions.
Download A Study of Ottoman Narratives on Architecture: Text, by Selen B. Morkoç PDF

By Selen B. Morkoç
It really is broadly accredited that records on Ottoman architects are infrequent and that little is understood in regards to the architectural perform within the Ottoman international. a bunch of texts that experience seemed among 16th and eighteenth centuries, in spite of the fact that, shape an exception to this basic assumption. whereas those texts were pointed out and observed in varied earlier stories on Ottoman structure, they've got no longer been the subject of a tremendous interpretative method earlier than. A learn of Ottoman Narratives on structure: textual content, Context and Hermeneutics is the 1st interpretive and comparative study monograph to add those texts as its major subject matter. this is often the 1st translation of those works that contextualizes and translates their value in English.
The first textual content is a bunch of 5 records that date again to the 16th century. They include memoirs and development lists written in prose and verse which belonged to famous Ottoman architect Sinan. the second one textual content was once written lower than the impact of the 1st staff of records and is in an identical layout. It contains a memoir devoted to Sedefkar Mehmed Aga, who labored because the leader imperial architect within the 17th century, and likewise offers info on architectural phrases and makes comparisons among structure and track. The 3rd textual content isn't the same as the 1st : it's a monograph concerning the Selimiye Mosque written in prose within the eighteenth century by means of Dayezade Mustafa, who was once a whole outsider to structure. whereas the 3 texts have relatively diverse ancient and thematic contexts their aspect in universal is their rendering of structure via narratives. From a hermeneutical point of view, the publication compares narratives of the texts with modern historiography on Ottoman structure.
Download Research and Development Expenditure in Industry, 1987-2001 by Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development PDF
Download Deutsches Verfassungsrecht 1806 - 1918, Eine by Michael Kotulla PDF

By Michael Kotulla
Das auf mehrere Bände angelegte Werk präsentiert nahezu das gesamte deutsche Verfassungsrecht des Zeitraumes zwischen 1806 und 1918. Hiermit wird der sich gleichsam schrittweise vollziehende Übergang von einem traditionell ständischen oder gar fürstlich-absolutistischen zu einem zumeist monarchisch-konstitutionellen method aufgearbeitet, dessen jäher Untergang schließlich in die nationalstaatlich-republikanisch geprägte demokratisch-parlamentarische Staatsform Weimars mündet. Mit dem Gesamtwerk steht dem Fachpublikum eine leicht zugängliche, bislang nicht gekannte Fülle von Dokumenten zur Verfügung, die für die verfassungsrechtliche Entwicklung Deutschlands und seiner einzelnen Staaten von zentraler Bedeutung waren. Dabei wird großer Wert auf die authentische, d. h. buchstaben- und zeichengetreue Übernahme der Texte gelegt. Dem jeweiligen Dokumententeil sind in jedem Band "Historische Einführungen" vorangestellt. In diesem Rahmen werden an den einschlägigen Dokumenten orientierte (verfassungs-) rechtliche, zeitlich wie territorial übergreifende entwicklungsgeschichtliche Darstellungen vorgenommen.
1. Band: Gesamtdeutschland, Anhaltische Staaten und Baden:
Der vorliegende 1. Band enthält für sich genommen nahezu 390 Verfassungsrechtsdokumente nebst den dazugehörigen "Historischen Einführungen". Ihm sind zuvörderst die im Zeitraum zwischen 1806 und 1918 existierenden Verfassungsrechtsdokumente von gesamtdeutscher Bedeutung vorbehalten. Überdies trägt der Band aber auch mit dem in ihm niedergelegten Verfassungsrecht der Anhaltischen Herzogtümer (Anhalt, Anhalt-Bernburg, Anhalt-Dessau, Anhalt-Köthen) und Badens dem Verfassungsrecht der deutschen Einzelstaaten Rechnung
Download PanzerKampfWage PDF
Download Aspekte des Menschseins im Alten Mesopotamien - Eine Studie by Ulrike Steinert PDF

By Ulrike Steinert
Als bislang erste monographische Untersuchung ihrer paintings widmet sich diese Studie den altmesopotamischen Vorstellungen über das Wesen und die Zusammensetzung der menschlichen individual, wobei akkadische Termini für "Mensch, Person", "Körper", "Selbst" sowie mehrere "Seelen"-Komponenten im Mittelpunkt stehen. Zudem bietet dieses Buch eine semantische examine akkadischer Körperteiltermini, ihres Bedeutungsumfangs und Gebrauchs in metaphorischen Wendungen sowie verschiedenen Keilschrifttexten des 2. und 1. Jt. v. Chr. Der Verfasserin gelingt es durch die Auswertung einer Fülle von Textquellen und durch ihre interdisziplinäre Herangehensweise, Sichtweisen einer Kultur auf die Existenz des Menschen darzulegen und eine Konzeption personaler Identität zu rekonstruieren, die viele Ähnlichkeiten zu den Vorstellungen der antiken Nachbarkulturen aufweist, aber auch entscheidende Unterschiede zu unseren, von Christentum, Philosophie und Naturwissenschaften geprägten Konzepten.
Being the 1st monographic examine of this sort within the box of Assyriology, this publication contains an research of old Mesopotamian techniques of the human individual. targeting Akkadian cuneiform texts from the 2d and 1st millennium BC, the writer examines the features and attributes hooked up to humans and the notions of the individual as a composite being via a semantic research of Akkadian phrases for the physique, physique elements and points of the self, which might be termed "souls". via an exam of a variety of textual assets and an interdisciplinary procedure, this learn exhibits that the Mesopotamian perspectives of personhood proportion outstanding similarities with these of the neighbouring historic cultures, yet usually vary from our personal.
Download Kriegsmarine im 2 Weltkrieg by Edward P. von der Porten PDF

By Edward P. von der Porten
;Kriegsmarine im 2 Weltkrieg КНИГИ ;ВОЕННАЯ ИСТОРИЯ Автор:Edvard P.Von Der Porten Название: Kriegsmarine im 2 Weltkrieg Издательство: Motorbuch Verlag Год: 1969 Формат: PDF Размер: 65.6 mbОписание боевых действий Военно – морского флота Германии во II Мировой войне.TurboBit DepositFiles0
Download Between Empire and Revolution: A Life of Sidney Bunting, by Allison Drew PDF

By Allison Drew
Sidney Bunting's lifestyles bargains a distinct point of view at the British Empire, illustrating the advanced social networks and values that have been carried the world over within the identify of empire. Drawing on archival fabric, together with the Bunting kinfolk papers and files of Bunting's Oxford years, this paintings provides his biography.